Environmental Policy

As a leading company in the assistive technology sector, Caretech UK Ltd and its employees are committed throughout the Company’s business processes to protect and respect the environment, ensure responsible use of natural, finite, resources and minimise negative impacts on the local, regional and global environment. In pursuit of this commitment to pollution prevention, we will:

– Ensure continual improvement of the company’s environmental performance by regular reviews and monitoring.
– Comply with all applicable environmental legislation, codes of practice and other standards to which the company subscribes.
– Identify key environmental aspects, set targets and through continuous improvement, avoid, reduce or control such aspects wherever reasonably practicable.
– Use energy, materials and natural resources efficiently and in a more sustainable manner.
– Train company staff in aspects of environmental management which relate to the remit of their delegated responsibilities.
– Provide relevant and practical information, instruction and training to anyone working on our behalf whose operations can or may have a significant impact on the environment.

All of the staff and employees of Caretech UK Ltd understand and support this policy, and actively contributes to continual improvement of our service to the customers whilst at the same time improving environmental performance.

Mr A P Mears
Managing Director
March 2025

Health & Safety General Policy

Caretech UK Ltd. believes that one of its most important functions is the prevention of accidents and ill health. We do not wish any of our employees or any other person to suffer as the result of our activities or work processes. To this end, we comply rigorously with all health and safety legislation, codes of practice, best guidance and work methods available.

We provide, so far as is reasonably practicable: a safe system of work; safe plant and equipment; safe means of handling and transporting articles, substances and people; adequate training, instruction, information and supervision; a safe place of work with safe access and egress; a safe and healthy environment; adequate welfare facilities.

We also ensure that the way we carry out our work does not affect the health and safety of persons who are not our employees, for example, visitors and contractors.

It is also recognised that where we produce articles and substances for use at work, or we erect or install any plant or equipment, we have a duty to ensure the health and safety of those who use them and make available all the required information for their health and safety.

Staff Training

Caretech invests heavily in comprehensive staff training across all departments. Engineers receive training in installation, maintenance, and servicing of all potential product types and the latest equipment, not just single manufacturer ranges. Administrative staff develop skills in accounting and customer relationship management. Additionally, all team members are trained in our operations system, ensuring smooth and seamless client interactions.

With our commitment to constant improvement and attention to detail, you won’t be surprised to learn that Caretech is an ISO 14001 registered company and that our engineering staff are also part of that accreditation.

Environmental Policy

As a leading company in the assistive technology sector, Caretech UK Ltd and its employees are committed throughout the Company’s business processes to protect and respect the environment, ensure responsible use of natural, finite, resources and minimise negative impacts on the local, regional and global environment. In pursuit of this commitment to pollution prevention, we will:

– Ensure continual improvement of the company’s environmental performance by regular reviews and monitoring.
– Comply with all applicable environmental legislation, codes of practice and other standards to which the company subscribes.
– Identify key environmental aspects, set targets and through continuous improvement, avoid, reduce or control such aspects wherever reasonably practicable.
– Use energy, materials and natural resources efficiently and in a more sustainable manner.
– Train company staff in aspects of environmental management which relate to the remit of their delegated responsibilities.
– Provide relevant and practical information, instruction and training to anyone working on our behalf whose operations can or may have a significant impact on the environment.

All of the staff and employees of Caretech UK Ltd understand and support this policy, and actively contributes to continual improvement of our service to the customers whilst at the same time improving environmental performance.

Mr A P Mears
Managing Director
March 2025

Health & Safety General Policy

Caretech UK Ltd. believes that one of its most important functions is the prevention of accidents and ill health. We do not wish any of our employees or any other person to suffer as the result of our activities or work processes. To this end, we comply rigorously with all health and safety legislation, codes of practice, best guidance and work methods available.

We provide, so far as is reasonably practicable: a safe system of work; safe plant and equipment; safe means of handling and transporting articles, substances and people; adequate training, instruction, information and supervision; a safe place of work with safe access and egress; a safe and healthy environment; adequate welfare facilities.

We also ensure that the way we carry out our work does not affect the health and safety of persons who are not our employees, for example, visitors and contractors.

It is also recognised that where we produce articles and substances for use at work, or we erect or install any plant or equipment, we have a duty to ensure the health and safety of those who use them and make available all the required information for their health and safety.

Staff Training

Caretech invests heavily in comprehensive staff training across all departments. Engineers receive training in installation, maintenance, and servicing of all potential product types and the latest equipment, not just single manufacturer ranges. Administrative staff develop skills in accounting and customer relationship management. Additionally, all team members are trained in our operations system, ensuring smooth and seamless client interactions.

With our commitment to constant improvement and attention to detail, you won’t be surprised to learn that Caretech is an ISO 14001 registered company and that our engineering staff are also part of that accreditation.